We all know that dogs are social animals. Members of any society must create a social structure, they must arrange themselves into hierarchy. Someone has to be the boss. The boss of a dog pack is called the alpha dog. The alpha dog has certain privilages and responsibilities. Following is a list of some of these.
- The alpha goes through the door first.
He has the responsibility to protect the rest of the pack. Therefore he goes first into strange or unknown places.
- The alpha chooses where to walk.
He has the responsibility to lead a successful hunt. Therefore he chooses where to go and his subordinates follow.
- The alpha eats first.
He must keep up his strength. The others eat when the leader allows.
- The alpha chooses where to sleep.
He is entitled to the best location.
- The alpha walks about as he pleases.
The others must get up and move out of his way.
- The subordinates warn the alpha dog of danger.
The alpha determines the appropriate response.
- The alpha determines who will be allowed to enter the pack's territory.
The subordinates accept his judgment.
- The alpha chooses when to play and when to stop.
- The alpha wins tug-of-war and other games of strength.
After all, he is the strongest.
- The toys belong to the alpha.
He retains possesion when playtime is over. An alpha dog does not retrieve well because he will not relinquish the ball or frizbee.
Now some dog trainers will have you to believe that you must be alpha over your dog in all respects. This is not so; you only need to be in control to the point that you have a comfortable relationship with your dog. Any relationship has give and take.
These trainers maintain that only if you are alpha in all of these respects, will you be able to successfully train your dog for obedience. Nonsense! Just because I go through a door first doesn't mean that my dog will be able to heel with me through a figure eight. But it is important that my dog knows that I am the boss.
"Remember: just because you are the leader doesn't mean you can't give kisses and hugs or have a really wonderful partnership."
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So Your Dog's Not Lassie