My Training Notes

Canine Good Citizen Test

The Canine Good Citizen Test® is an AKC certification program involving everyday situations in a relaxed atmosphere. It seeks to identify and officially recognize those dogs that possess the attributes that enable them to serve effectively as personal companions and members in good standing within the community. The test is to demonstrate that your dog knows basic commands in order to function acceptably at home, in public places, and in the presence of other dogs.

The C.G.C. test is not a competitive obedience program and does not require precision work in the execution of exercises.

To qualify for C.G.C. a dog must pass each of the ten (l0) test categories:

Accepting a friendly stranger

Sitting politely for petting

Appearance and grooming

Out for a walk
Walking on a loose lead

Walking through a crowd

Sit and down on command
Staying in place

Coming when called

Reaction to another dog

Reaction to distraction

Supervised separation

You are allowed to talk to your dog and to encourage him during the exercises. Food is not allowed during the test. All tests are performed on-leash (leather or fabric). Dogs should wear a well-fitting buckle or slip collar made of leather, fabric, or chain. Special training collars such as pinch or prong collars, head collars, electric collars, etc. are not allowed.

BRING: A valid rabies certificate and your county registration, a collar and leash, and a brush or comb for the grooming test.

I wish to give credit to Adele Lee who wrote this description of the Canine Good Citizen Test.