The hock joint of a dog is comparable to the ankle of a human. In a
straight legged dog such as a Chow the hock joint might bend forward
as well as backward. Bruno has this condition. As he stands still,
his hocks move a bit forward and backward.
The "Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook" calls this "popping hock"
or "laxity of the hock joint" and says, "Usually it is not painful
but can impair the dog's drive and agility. In late stages the
joint can become arthritic."
Since I'm not sure that the vets around here can recognize it let alone
know how to treat it, I've decided to leave well enough alone.
Here is a good place to include a link to the
The Illustrated Standard of the Chow Chow. Check out the proper
Chow Chow configuration.