The Woodhouse collars haven't seemed to be available for many years. I had one while my first Chow was growing up. When I wanted a collar to fit him as an adult, I wasn't able to find one. Googling "Woodhouse collar" finds lots of people looking for one but no sources. I found that the herman springer fur saver collar (herm sprenger fur saver collar) was a good alternative. The long links make a snapping sound similar to the Woodhouse. I worked my Chow on a loose leash and a slight flick of my wrist snapped one link through the ring. This was just enough to get his attention. Googling "herman springer fur saver collar" brings up several sources, none of which I have dealt with. shows some good pictures - be sure to get the heavier model. It seems like the consumer oriented pet stores are not offering effective training collars. Back |