Mark's Web Site

What's New

    05/21/07  -  David - 05/18/07
    04/14/07  -  Up and running: Pets and Portraits
    03/12/07  -  Eliene - 02/14/07
    03/12/07  -  Danielle - 02/14/07
    03/12/07  -  David - 02/14/07
    02/22/07  -  Updated links on collars and toy dogs pages.
    02/19/07  -  Charlie - 02/19/07
    02/08/07  -  Charlie's I L P
    12/09/06  -  Anita's Poem
    12/02/06  -  Jack:   08/24/94 - 11/28/06
    09/02/06  -  David Nathaniel
    08/21/06  -  Charlie's Story
    08/19/06  -  Meet Charlie
    08/18/06  -  Tim 07/15/06
    08/13/06  -  Lynn
    08/13/06  -  Great Grandma
    08/13/06  -  A new pic of Marbles
    07/12/06  -  Bad background but my father's favorite pic.
    06/22/06  -  Jack's New Mullet.
    09/14/05  -  Good-bye, Old Friend.
    09/10/05  -  New pics of Tilly and Marbles
    09/10/05  -  Tina & Nike:  1,  2,  3
    08/30/05  -  Two pics of Angel  Rose
    07/03/05  -  Me at the office
    05/29/05  -  New pics of  Mother
    04/22/05  -  Added E-mail address for Pets and Portraits to Contact Page
    02/21/05  -  Changes to Flyball Page
    02/14/05  -  Added more Pics of Ellie and Danielle
    01/31/05  -  Added more Pics of Ellie and Danielle
    12/26/04  -  Tonya and Tim long ago:  1,  2
    11/30/04  -  About Digital Pictures
    11/30/04  -  About Digital Cameras
    11/30/04  -  About Digital Printing
    10/03/04  -  Danielle's Pics
    09/18/04  -  Added: New Pic of Robinson
    09/14/04  -  New Page: Training With Food   --
                        Much of this is lifted from: Some Basic Obedience Commands
    09/13/04  -  New Page: Collars For Toy Dogs
    09/09/04  -  Jack and I check out the new barrel pond
    09/04/04  -  New Pic: Ralph and Zeus
    09/04/04  -  New Pic: My Recent House Guest
    09/03/04  -  Added: More Pics of Ellie
    09/03/04  -  New Page: Family Pics by Name
    09/01/04  -  New Pic: A Neighbor
    08/30/04  -  New Pic: Bruno
    08/25/04  -  New Pic: Interspecies Fraternization
    08/22/04  -  New Page: Tonya's Pics of Ellie and Others
    08/18/04  -  Added: More Robinson
    08/16/04  -  Added: Hermie (Hermes)
    08/04/04  -  Added: Robinson
    07/31/04  -  Added: Joker
    07/04/04  -  Added: Third page of Ellie's Pics
    05/22/04  -  Dog Day Afternoon
    05/19/04  -  Added a link to TAKLAMAKAN AGILITY CHOWS
    05/04/04  -  Here's how to adjust the brightness and contrast of your monitor
    04/08/04  -  Allie's agility class
    04/06/04  -  Allie's flyball class
    03/13/04  -  Allie's 03/10/04 training class
    03/13/04  -  Allie's 03/08/04 training class
    02/08/04  -  Allie's 01/31/04 training class
    12/24/03  -  Started: Second page of Ellie's Pics
    12/16/03  -  Added: Contact Page
    12/08/03  -  Added: Spam and Privacy
    10/13/03  -  Added: Karen Spins a Yarn
    10/13/03  -  Added: Bruno's Yarn
    10/07/03  -  Added: Jack and Mark
    08/13/03  -  Added: More Pics of Ellie
    08/03/03  -  Added: More Pics of Ellie
    06/26/03  -  New Pics: Tucker, Lady Killer!
    06/26/03  -  New Pics: Ellie's Dedication
    06/17/03  -  Added: Ellie's Gallery
    06/12/03  -  Added: Daisy
    04/22/03  -  Added: Eliene Ann
    03/19/03  -  Added: Shake, Rattle, and Roll
    03/17/03  -  Revised: Barking
    01/13/03  -  Revised: Are You a Jerk?
    12/16/02  -  Revised: CGC Description
    11/11/02  -  My Friends: Heeling on Leash
    09/12/02  -  My Health Notes: Toe Nails
    06/28/02  -  My Pack: Dr. Mark's Graduation
    06/28/02  -  My Friends: Joan and Tucker
    06/04/02  -  Added My Training Notes/Shy Chow
    04/06/02  -  My Pack: Page 6: added a picture of Mother's dog, Cookie
    03/20/01  -  My Training Notes/Introduction: added some more comments
    03/03/01  -  My Training Notes/Dog Fights: added a new page
    02/16/01  -  Heat Stroke: added some revisions
    01/29/01  -  My Friends: added Page 2
    01/29/01  -  My Health Notes/Nutrition: made some revisions
    01/16/01  -  My Pack: Page3: rearranged the pictures
    01/16/01  -  My Pack: Page5: rearranged the pictures
    12/08/00  -  My Training Notes/Come: created a new page
    12/07/00  -  Site Map: created a Site Map
    10/26/00  -  My Health Notes/Animal Emotions: started a new page
    10/17/00  -  My Health Notes/Nutrition: added one BARF link
    10/17/00  -  My Health Notes/Noise Phobia - Melatonin: started a new page
    10/17/00  -  My Training Notes/House Training: added more links
    10/17/00  -  My Health Notes/Allergies: started a new page
    08/28/00  -  added an overview of my training notes.
    07/25/00  -  Links/General Dog Stuff: added "Why Not Take Candy from a Baby?"
    07/13/00  -  My Training Notes/Housetraining: updated links at the bottom of this page
    06/08/00  -  My Health Notes/Nutrition: inserted second paragraph
    06/08/00  -  My Training Notes/Misbehavior due to Fear: new page
    05/26/00  -  My Training Notes/House Training: added some more thoughts
    05/25/00  -  Links/Agility: added two agility links
    05/17/00  -  Links/Chows: added three Chow links
    05/16/00  -  Added this book: Leader of the Pack
    05/16/00  -  Added books by Stanley Coren and Desmond Morris
    05/10/00  -  My Pack: added Page 5, check out the picture of Jack and Bruno
    04/07/00  -  My Pack: added Page 4, puppy pictures of Jack
    04/07/00  -  My Pack/Page 3: added some pictures of Jack
    02/22/00  -  My Pack/Page 3: added a picture of Tonya's new house
    02/15/00  -  Links/Training: added links to articles by Suzanne Clothier
    02/11/00  -  My Training Notes/Threshold
    02/10/00  -  My Training Notes/Basic Obedience: added some thoughts on how to
                         word your commands
    02/10/00  -  My Training Notes/Fur Damage (I now have collar information here
                         as well as under Collars and Leashes and Pulling on Leash)
    02/04/00  -  Links/General Dog Stuff: added - a dog's best friend
    01/29/00  -  My Training Notes/House Training: added Carol Lea Benjamin's method
    01/25/00  -  My Pack/Page3: added a picture of Lynn
    01/18/00  -  My Training Notes/Dumping Your Problems
    01/18/00  -  Links/General Dog Stuff: added A Kid's Guide
    01/18/00  -  Links/General Dog Stuff: added Jen - A Junior Handler
    01/18/00  -  Links/General Dog Stuff: added Breeding and Cindy Tittle Moore
    01/17/00  -  My Pack: began third page
    01/12/00  -  My Training Notes/Barking: added Growling
    01/11/00  -  Links/General Dog Stuff: added Alex
    01/09/00  -  My Training Notes/Barking
    01/09/00  -  My Training Notes/The Boss
    01/09/00  -  My Training Notes/No Time
    01/06/00  -  Links/General Dog Stuff: added AKC
    01/04/00  -  My Training Notes/Canine Good Citizen Test
    12/24/99  -  My Training Notes/Excuses for Bad Behavior
    12/24/99  -  Books: added So Your Dog's Not Lassie
    12/21/99  -  My Training Notes/Are You a Jerk?
    12/19/99  -  My Training Notes/Prey Drive
    12/19/99  -  My Health Notes/Heat Stroke
    12/12/99  -  Books: added several books
    12/03/99  -  Books: added several books
    11/28/99  -  My Training Notes/Biting
    11/25/99  -  My Health Notes/Nutrition
    11/22/99  -  My Pack/Page 2: several new pictures
    11/18/99  -  My Training Notes/Pulling on Leash
    11/14/99  -  My Health Notes/Chows for Pet Therapy